jueves, 31 de mayo de 2007

Assignment 6?: Interesting Career-Related Topics

What career-related subject or topic have you been working on or studying this term?

I always have been very shy, specially when there are situations where you must try to be an extroverted person, like talking to a lot of people, acting or doing amused things. I can't explain exactly what I feel when I have to face up to this situations or why I feel like this, but I know that it has brought to me a lot of problems in my self-esteem, in my social life, and other areas. For example, I think I can't dance because a feel ashamed of my self but I have discovered other thing that probably affects me: I have problems with the imitation of motor exercises. I'm very clumsy trying it.

Why all this introduction?

Because this term we have been learning about Corporal Expression, and this has helped to me to understand a lot of things about my self and other persons.
It's good to know that you can improve this abilities even thinking you don't have theme. It's a hard work with shy persons like me, but is completely possible. But you haven't to forget that you must want to do it to get a develop in this area.
The corporal expression is a very good tool for the Occupational Therapy because you can work specially with groups, for example, with different activities you can obtain that the users know each other, have a good time, make friends, and develop social skills at the same time they develop other abilities like motor coordination, self-esteem, creativity, etc.

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